
:: Call to Action :: Wear Bicycle Helmets

The importance of wearing bicycle helmets can not be stressed enough. Every year hundreds of children are injured in bike related accidents. As these posters indicate, there can be future consequences from head trauma sustained from a biking accident. 
These posters are selling a product, however, they are also creating awareness by using a sense of humor. Originally found at The Creative Blog. Check this site out, it has many other great examples of humorous/intriguing advertisements.


Lidia said...

I like clever posters, when it's able to communicate on many levels. Protecting our children as well as pointing sarcastically at our leader at the same time is clever. Although, unless I now where this poster would be featured I don't know what to think about its style.

Mike said...

This sort of strikes me the same way that some of the ads during the Super Bowl do - where they're funny, but you don't always remember what they're selling. Here, it almost seems like the satirizing of Bush is more important than the idea of wearing a helmet, which comes almost like an afterthought. It's probably just me, but I wish they had worked to integrate the ideas a bit more.