
26 type critters

Jeremy Pettis' senior thesis project is a unique take on a classic problem: A-Z animal typography. Instead of following conventions of creating the type to look exactly like the animal, Jeremy captures each creature's essence in typographical form. You can view the complete portfolio at the above link. And an interview can be found here.

1 comment:

Musings from Me said...

I found the 26 type animals fun to read/decipher. It reminded me of a children's alphabet book (Chick a Boom Boom comes to mind). I liked the representations for "dolphin," "alligator," and "unicorn" as all three resembled the animals they signified. The type used for dolphin was wavy and floaty with a splash of water for the dot over the i. I had a harder time deciphering "newt," "otter,"
"penguin," and "snail." I was less interested in these four images.